Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Governmental Affairs Report- No on Measures 66 and 67

Ray Phelps, President-Elect

Greg Del Ponte, Interim Director, Oregon Department of Aviation is the committee’s December speaker. Mr. Del Ponte will describe the process for updating Aurora Airport’s Master Plan.

Carl Hosticka, Metro Councilor, District 3, met with GAC on November 4th to report on the status of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) update and the Urban and Rural reserves process.

Mr. Hosticka did not sound too hopeful that the new RTP would include a study of the southern I-5 corridor (North Tigard to the Boones Bridge) requested by our Chamber. This study is totally dependent upon the inclusion of Alternative 7 projects in the RTP, which appears doubtful at this time. The corridor study’s primary stumbling block is the lack of agreement on Alternative 7 projects by elected officials of the cities of Sherwood, Tualatin and Wilsonville.

Mr. Hosticka reported the Urban and Rural Reserves process is on schedule for a final decision in the spring of 2010. The process is working toward identification of lands outside Metro’s current Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) that should be reserved for future urban development, lands that should be reserved for future rural use, and lands undesignated for either urban or rural uses. Activity is now underway to refine various land parcels identified by Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington Counties and Metro for urban and rural uses so all four (4) jurisdictions are able to agree on lands identified as urban, rural or undesignated.

GAC heard from representatives of two organizations that support (Defend Oregon) and oppose (Oregonians Against Job-Killing Taxes) the income tax measures scheduled for a vote of the people at a special statewide election on January 26, 2010. These measures are on the ballot following the successful completion of a petition process to refer two actions by the legislature earlier this year to increase personal and corporate income taxes. The measures will be identified on the ballot as Measure No. 66 and Measure No. 67.

The legislature proposed the following ballot titles for the two measures. The organization principally responsible for obtaining the needed signatures to have these measures on the ballot has filed a lawsuit with the Oregon Supreme Court seeking different wording for the two measures.

Measure No. 66 states: Raises tax on Household Income at and above $250,000 (and $125,000 for individual filers). Reduces income taxes on unemployment benefits in 2009. Maintains funds currently budgeted for education, health care, public safety, other services.

Measure No. 67 states: Raises $10 corporate minimum tax, business minimum tax, corporate profits tax, maintains funds currently budgeted for education, health care, public safety, other services.

GAC members voted 13-0, with 3 members abstaining, to recommend the Chamber Board of Directors go on record in opposition to both measures. The Board unanimously agreed with GAC’s recommendation and is recommending a “NO” vote on both measures.

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